Early Career, Branding Yourself


Early Career, Branding Yourself

By now, must be thinking to yourselves, “Ok, I’m halfway into my cool new internship. So now what?” Know that your internship is only part of the journey on the way to your goal; it’s an opportunity to surround yourself with others that were once in your shoes. Focus and celebrate your development and progress while keeping these tips close to heart.

1. Do a self-reflection check-in

Tune in and ask yourself if you’re maximizing your experience: How can you continue to de-liver value? While looking for ways to exceed expectations, trust that leadership will notice your project. Introspect and take a solutions-oriented approach to identify areas of opportunity and help your teammates bridge any gaps you witness. You now have leverage and value from skills you developed; take the time to jot down the projects you completed, the collaboration on them, and what you gained. What was a breeze? What was challenging?

2. Take a personal inventory

Request more responsibility and pitch new ideas. What classes, specific assignments, student activities/clubs, papers, or research did you complete that helped you during your internship? Follow up by soliciting feedback from your supervisor with an attitude of gratitude via phone/zoom/or email. Keep it informal.

3. Start Networking

Making connections is imperative and is a priority. Keep it simple. Be kind and authentic in your approach and interactions. Connecting via social media, sharing experiences, soliciting advice, and planning to meet for coffee will make that latte more flavorful.

4. Plan Ahead

Ratchet up the excitement as you build your professional foundation. Look back and plan forward. With a new community and acquired talent, capture personal insights and read signals around your coping mechanisms, especially around problem-solving. Believe you are ready and continue in that mode while visualizing new possibilities.

“Take the anxiety OUT of performance by telling yourself, “I’m eager and ready!”

Anita K | Samsung TA & Coach

As a motivational life coach, strategic talent manager, and author, Anita K offers progressive solutions to prioritize top talent for Samsung’s success.

She welcomes to hear from you at anita.kanti@partner.samsung.com


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