How to Stop Self Sabotaging Yourself




Holding on to past relationships is one of the hardest things that we all struggle with in our daily lives. We do this, often times, both subconsciously and consciously through communication, regular reactions, and how we manage expectations. There are a lot of themes that are conscious and subconscious that are attached to why we hold on to a past relationship or getting caught in the mire with our very own thoughts.

Though, if we don’t attempt to the find ways and practice moving forward and out of the past, we can find ourselves being even more hurt, which warps the process of letting go … and even potentially allowing ourselves to begin self sabotaging behaviors.

One key road that can lead to our self sabotaging behavior is by having the entitlement factor. Phrases such as “You can’t do that to me,” or “I loved you. How could you?” The entitlement to what we want, essentially, is represented onto the individual. Ultimately, we can become fixated on our definition and not theirs. We begin to have the endless questions … creating perpetual pondering, and self sabotaging Such things that we tend to impose essentially makes us believe we need the closure and answers to move forward.

How Do I Stop Self Sabotaging Myself?

So … you didn’t get the closure that you needed, and it’s okay because you are not entitled to it, nor are you to self sabotage yourself. You have to channel some inner strength and some peace, and say “Hey I am going to move forward accordingly. I am the captain of my sea,” and begin with the bravery and self confidence to push yourself forward. It’s a difficult thing to do, but a successful outcome is in near sight if you adopt this mindset.

If you are having trouble with holding on to a past relationship and are wanting to stop self sabotaging yourself, try using my three tips below, which are also further emphasized in my “Holding on to the Past” episode over on the right sidebar: 

  1. Learn Your Triggers. Really understand what your triggers are and label them. If you focus on getting through the triggers and analyze them, you are slowly moving forward in breaking down the expectation of holding on to your past relationship. 

  2. Focus on Hope. Hope is key. This is really the tell-tale sign of yourself having optimism and expecting for more exciting things to come. You are motivated and willing to moving forward—out of the past. 

  3. Find Peace in the Outcome. Have a sense of contentment and understanding of why your classification and status have changed. Sometimes we don’t get the questions answered, but really give it a new meaning, and, even if you have to believe that meaning, it may not be the exact truth, but it’ll still help you to move forward. 

Adopt the moving-up-the-ladder mentally and you will fall down a lot less, and you will guard your heart. Moving forward and having this growth mindset will be one of the keys to your happiness and well-being in 2020. Watch our episode in more detail below.

About Anita K, Life and Self-Sabotage Coach

As a life and self sabotage coach in Orange County, Anita K’s life and self sabotage coaching services can provide you the necessary roadmap required in order to mind shift your current mindset and allow you to live a more fulfilling and confident life.

Contact me today and take the first step in Behaving More Bravely.


Learn to let go of the past and stop self sabotaging yourself now!


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